Phoenix Startups List

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ID 608386

Tim McBride

Founder @pledger • Creative sports marketing professional with a proven business background and ability to generate excellence. Masters, Sports Management 2010

ID 117340

Bubba Page

Founder @quotadeck Crowdsourcing Introductions, a @techstars Boulder 2014 company & Founder @launch-leads-technology-people-sales @Inc contributor

ID 844161

Russell Eddleman

Experienced enterprise sales leader in software/cloud business development. Worked at Microsoft, HP, and venture capital funded organizations.

ID 172905

Dave Montesano

ID 705897

Alfred Sturrup

ID 795123

Craig DMura

ID 491320

Adam Daha

Recently graduated the WP Carey School of Business with a Master’s in Management degree. Developing an essential service marketed to 175 million Americans.

ID 45608

Brandon Clarke

Product Focused Entrepreneur & Strategist

ID 344293

Benjamin Bronson

★ Creator - Designs, Methods, & Devices ★ Leader - Team builder, Inspirer, & Front Runner ★ Futurist - Utopia through Technology Evangelist

ID 636449

Mike Dolan

ID 757875

Paolo Pittari

Working at Oracle

ID 430938

C'pher Gresham

Accelerator, Hedge Fund, VC, and Startup Experience (, Ability Dynamics). 3rd Place Washington Post BBQ Sauce Competition. MBA from Thunderbird 2014.

ID 55159

Troy Jensen


Co-Founder, CEO & Senior Managing Director of nxVenture Capital Ltd, an innovative private equity firm with their global headquarters in New York City.

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